16 June, 2010

Rainbow Country

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic


Tayler Worrell said...

ahhh! i havent been able to visit your blog in a while because of a busy schedule but what a load of inspiration!! ahh so excited, like 85 percent of these pics go in my inspiration folder!

would you like to swap links with me?


M O Z A said...


Personal Injury Lawyers said...

Wow....so dreamy the first outfit is super.....


Love the 3rd last image... beautiful scene!

Fast and Reckless said...

aww summmer!

Prad Savania said...

Interesting designs! Love the way ur name is spelt!

Love heels?!

You should definitely check out my shoe designing BlogSpot,

The link is, louboutininthemaking.blogspot.com

All the designs are hand-drawn! Look forward to seeing what you think! Take care x

blonde on blonde said...

dreamy is right!


Jessica Yu said...

i love the carefree sexiness of this story line

you have such an eye for style