13 June, 2010

Feature: DI$COUNT

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Nadia and Cami are....(age,occupation,..)
Haha this is reminiscent of when we were at the airport and had to fill in our occupation on our visa slips. We racked our brains for quite some time attempting come up with some other title than the pigeon holed  'Fashion Designer'... yet to no avail. Maybe one day we will have a proper occupation title. Something that covers all of the jobs within a business, rather than simply the design part! 

What can we find on your ipod today? 
All sorts of shit! Rock 'n' Roll mainly... but of course there are some wild cards in there.

Most influential designers in your opinion?

Favorite city in the world and why?
Bangkok and Melbourne! (Although we are somewhat bias)

You guys have any hidden talents or strange obsessions that you would like to share with us?
Nadia is exceptionally talented at making 'eggy in a basket', she can touch her chest with her tongue and definitely has a strange obsession with a certain musician (GLENN DANZIG). Cami can make her face look freakishly similar to Little Foot from Land Before Time, run 10kms in under an hour even though she is ridiculously unfit and probably hungover, and can touch her elbows behind her back, but doesn't have the rack to make it worthwhile.
We are both completely and utterly obsessed with DI$COUNT, even dropped everything and moved countries to attempt to give this obsession legs.

Favorite fashion decade/era?
The 80's and 90's are clear favourite's. Perhaps our least favourite era is an easier answer... early 2000's to now!

Favorite movie? 
Nadia - Terminator 2, Cami - Scarface. But that's just like asking what is your favourite band.  

How would you describe your everyday uniform? 
Haha well at the moment, uniform is good way to describe it! A cool day in Bangkok is 32 degrees, so 'minimal' is one way you could put it (which is rather tiring, desperate to shake it up a bit) But in Melbourne, the attire doesn't stray far from a few staples for either of us - black, leather, ankle boots, jeans etc etc... Summer really stumps us down there.
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Melinda said...

really nice girl! :)

Unknown said...

These chicks are so funky <3

Everyone loves fashion said...

so rocks!

Daniella said...

ah amazing feature/interview! they are so badass.

Unknown said...

Loving it - gonna check it out now!


Unknown said...

Love the styles of these girls!

Is This Real Life? said...

Ah such a great feature! Loved it!

Annastasia said...

I love your blog

Nubiasnonsense said...

wow her style is awesome I'm going to check her out now..

lol about the I pod I have mostly rock but some randoms also

tenisharayshel said...

hahah these girls are awesome!

DREAMY said...

i love discount. inspiring girls!


kitchen table said...

The style are good. I love to have those dress. I love the blog. Simple but full of useful information.