07 June, 2010

Bambi Northwood-Blyth

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Friend in Fashion said...

Those eyebrows, those eyes - such a stiking look!

Luv, Friend in Fashion

Sara - Harper and Harley said...

she provides endless inspiration. love this girls features. and honestly this is the best name in the biz. x

Gon said...

She's so cool and so beautiful!

Love her image!
Dimogonda blog

Kate said...

Gosh she's gorgeous! I never really realized how tiny she is though!!

Audrey said...

Love her look. Cool name, striking looks.

Jillian said...

ooo thank you so much for sharing! She's got such a fantastic look.

less said...

i'm best friends with her sister :)

Unknown said...

she is super cute <3

bourgeois girl said...

love your blog! check out mine sometime =) www.cestbourgeois.blogspot.com

xo bourgeoisgirl

Rose said...

god i love her, her eye brows are awesome !


More brows!

Lauren said...

She is truly amazing! xx