19 September, 2009

"Sanna Knows"

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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Sanna Tranlöv... really does know.


sanna said...

of course. fifth picture not mine. :)

Nimo said...

Nice pics!

Amy said...

I love your blog!
Those pictures are amazing! (:


"coy" colleen said...

so inspired by this

Cassiopeia said...

Hot. Loving the rings... Xxxc

Cindy said...

love the close up shots, those zipper pants are sic.

Sara said...

She've got amazing style! :)

Kristiane said...

God, how i envy her jewellery!! I really like your blog, posting the most inspirational pictures!

fuschiaaa said...

Love the second gold necklace.

gi. said...

in LOVE with your blog! seriously, i love how large the pictures are (how did you do it!?) am adding you to my bloglovin' asap!


Jocelynne said...

I looove all of those accessories and the boots.

Annabelle Rachael Taylor said...

i have one of her bracelets. jewellery's important. loving her stuff. x

susie miller said...

wicked style

Anonymous said...

Amazing! All the detailing is superb. x