01 July, 2009

Take me to your beach house

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What´s everyone´s plan for this summer?


Tari said...

Woah thats an awesome pic!
And im going to the beach and SLEEPING!

Delmy said...

BEACH, beach, beacH!

E said...

I wish the beach! Unfortunately, it's work!

ilikestuff said...

Hah, working with no vacation since I just started a new job. I hope everyone else has more exciting plans.

Cassiopeia said...

workworkworkworkwork... love that set of drawers. and she looks so sweet!

i'm Actually back now. PROMISE! missed ya. just needed time off. how goes the facebook dilemmas?


sexyinthecity said...

so lovely outfit!
Adore the sandals with the socks!


The ATG said...

Your love for her is beginning to take the path I did for my love of Megan Fox.

I love this,
Transformers has YET AGAIN thrown out another hottie into the media world :)
she looks adorable!

Elisabeth said...

love the photo!

me + mum on a girls-trip to Kreta! (greek island)

Johanna said...

she is sooo beautiful

Jenny Cindy said...

Wonderful picture.
Lovely blog you got here - full of highly inspirational pictures.

As for my plans this summer:
I might go to Paris for a week and other than that I'm just going to stay in the city, relaxing at the lake side and preparing for my studies.